Signing of the 50+ Employment Charter

Arnaud Brun

Arnaud Brun, President of Groupe Adéquat, signs the Commitment Act for employees over 50, under the patronage of Catherine Vautrin, Minister of Labor in France.


Initiated in 2019 by Club Landoy – Bayard Group and L’Oréal Group, this initiative involves 136 companies who are highlighting the role of economic actors in addressing the challenges of this demographic transition.


Key Figures
• By 2030, 30% of the French population will be over 60.
• 64% of working French people believe that being over 50 is a barrier to employment, even with equal skills.


Thanks to Sybille Le Maire, founder of Club Landoy, Hervé Navellou, President of L’Oréal France, and Philippe Wahl, President of Groupe La Poste, for emphasizing that these challenges require collective awareness and concrete actions.


Companies must seize the opportunity presented by an aging population and embrace their new social role towards employees over 50.


As a global HR player, Groupe Adéquat is committed to the recruitment, training, mobility, and occupational health of its employees over 50.


Arnaud Brun comments: “We must cultivate intergenerational bonds and the culture of knowledge transfer, which brings together young people and our experienced employees. Respect for each individual, throughout their career and regardless of age, is one of our core values. It is also a factor for fulfillment, performance, and innovation within the company.”


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