[REWARDS] Jean-Marc Brun, founder of Groupe Adéquat, makes European Business Leaders Top 100 List (Source SIA)

Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA), the global advisor on staffing and workforce solutions, has unveiled its 2018 list of the 100 most influential European staffing leaders. In its sixth year, the annual list recognizes a diverse group of individuals and lauds them for their role in taking the industry forward.

Comprised of executives from across the industry, SIA compiles the list based on the impact and influence individuals have had on the workforce solutions ecosystem, be it through growth, vision, innovation, legislation, … . A real spotlight on the pioneers who shape the future of this sector on a daily basis.

Jean-Marc Brun, founder and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Groupe Adéquat, has been named on this list. He is well known for founding Groupe Adéquat (1987) which has become one of the largest staffing firms in France and in the world.

Indeed, the company reported total revenue of €889 million in 2017, up 21% from 2016, and estimates it will reach a turnover of €1 billion for the first time in 2018. Earlier this year, Groupe Adéquat acquired Sigmar Recruitment in Ireland and Totem in Canada. Groupe Adéquat’s ambition is to become one of the top 25 staffing firms in the world, both through organic growth and continued investment in high-potential international brands.

“This year’s honorees are trailblazers, helping to evolve a market worth an estimated EUR 159 billion, navigating against a backdrop of legislative change, dynamic shifts in technology and a rapidly evolving ecosystem,” said Subadhra Sriram, Editor & Publisher, Media Products, SIA. “As futurists, these innovative thought leaders straddle frontiers and drive advances in an increasingly tech-driven talent supply chain. We are excited to recognize them.”

A huge pride for Groupe Adéquat and its numerous brands, as this pioneer has always inspired his employees with his vision and DNA, pushing them to undertake, to take risks and to grow up through their jobs. A big thank you and congratulations ! 

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