Yesterday, July the 2nd, a first recruitment meeting between students and enterprises was successfully organized by the Tony Parker Adéquat Academy and Groupe Adéquat: the main goal was to allow the enterprises partners looking for a student-apprentice to meet the students of the Tony Parker Adéquat Academy.
With the intention of combining passion, sport and professionalization, the Tony Parker Adéquat Academy, offers the possibility to about twenty young graduates of BAC to validate in 2 years an RNCP Title of “Customer Service Officer” and to integrate the job market with the advantages related to the professionalization contract.
Thanks to privileged links of Groupe Adéquat with the firms in France and all over the world, the professional path of students in “Customer Service Officer” is tailored on individual needs.
The afternoon was between a presentation of companies and candidates, and 20-minutes recruiting sessions for all the students who had the opportunity to meet the HR representatives of prestigious companies such as: Olympique Lyonnaise, LDLC ASVEL, ASVEL FEMININ, DECATHLON, ELIOR, Talenteo and Coach to Coast and obviously Groupe Adéquat!
A huge thank you to all those who were present yesterday and who supported us in this first step before the official opening of the Tony Parker Adéquat Academy in September 2019 in Lyon Gerland.