Groupe Adéquat signs the Pledge for ethical AI at the Action AI Summit

Groupe Adéquat attended the AI Action Summit in Paris and signed the Pledge for a Trustworthy AI in the World of Work, supported by the French Presidency and the Ministry of Labour.


Alongside Minister Astrid Panosyan Bouvet, we reaffirmed our commitment to innovation and AI research to develop solutions that protect our sovereignty, drive economic growth, and create a more sustainable and inclusive job market.


Groupe Adéquat has been investing in the development of AI for 2 years and marks an important step in its quest for innovation.


Arnaud Brun, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, told Le Parisien: “We installed an in-house – GPT Chat – system in the middle of last year, and today 80% of our staff use it. It takes the pressure off time-consuming tasks and allows us to concentrate on high added-value actions and on people. We even have an AI that helps train sales negotiators.” 


Two standout speeches perfectly illustrated the challenges and commitments toward responsible AI: Marlène Dolveck, CEO of SNCF Gares & Connexions and Deputy CEO of Groupe SNCF, along with Catherine Delmotte, HR Director for France and Director of Social Relations at Groupe Airbus, shared inspiring perspectives on this crucial topic.


Together with the Les entreprises s’engagent community and 40 other companies, we shared our best practices to contribute to a report that was presented to the Minister of Labor.


Read it here



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